
Wondering why obesity is attributed to a disease, it is not just a condition in which we have a few extra pounds and want to get rid of them. The truth is actually another. More and more people suffer from it and it brings with it many other diseases. 

How to deal with it, how not to let it settle permanently in our lives and can not leave?Because the disease is very hard and you should also have hard to cope with it.The causes of obesity that, or eat too much or spend very little energy, most often a combination of both. Therefore, do not accumulate weight or to lose weight need to have the so-called negative energy balance. This can be done as we have more physical activity or by reducing food intake and also watch what we eat to be healthy. Sometimes when obesity has become chronic and any other measures do not help having surgery, but now we talk about what we personally can do to lose weight.

Physical activityMuch talk about weight loss in sports, but actually very little evidence how effective has it. According to various studies only physical activity can diminish to 5 kilograms. But this does not mean we should ignore the sport as part of the fight against obesity and should be used along with diet to take effect. The benefits of exercise are that through their increased energy expenditure, ie burning more calories, strengthens the body and help fight some diseases. No need for exercises that do have severe and prolonged. More important is that you standing in its efforts to select appropriate exercises for you. Even daily loads are useful and such simple activities as walking, climbing stairs, light loads.

DietThere are a wide variety of diets, ranging from such rapid weight loss to those that are longer, but why does it more efficient. How to find which diet to choose? The choice of diet depends on the condition of the person who will implement it. Must take into account their health, way of eating, if there are any diseases, etc.The process is more complicated than you think and should not be throwing our first fall diet. The choice of diet is a difficult moment in weight loss. 

The other is to lose weight after we are able to keep their weight. Incredibly large percentage of people who after having completed the diet again regain their weight. Then again diet and so ad infinitum. It is very important dietary change completely and continue to do so. So you should eat a balanced and keep track of your negative energy balance.

Daily exercises for weight loss

The most commonly used for exercise weight loss exercises are with our own weight, they develop all the muscle groups:

Push-ups - Do not let it go more than two days during which you have not done push-ups. They mainly strain chest muscles and triceps. But as mentioned above, and exercises its own weight strain many muscle groups.

Crunches - Every day, do crunches. You yourself know themselves and their abilities will determine how many crunches you do. Keep in mind that if you start doing 30 crunches after a week their number should be around 35 and so increase them gradually until you reach 60, the third series of 20 repetitions.

Running - If you wish to escape - Walk A lot of miles will be sure that you burn fat fast. Certainly the beginning is not necessary to make major marathons important thing is to start and gradually increase the distance. In normal running burns about 100 calories for milya.Kato home so you can start running 5 minutes walking two and then again 5 minutes running and also rotate them within 45 minutes and strive to reach 130 minutes.

Swimming - Certainly the opinion of all experts for swimming is that it is one of the best exercises for weight loss. By relaxing while swimming lose weight, develop, and tightening muscles wonderful shape to your body, without absolutely no injuries - a common obstacle for sports. Swimming with the fast pace you normally forests over 600 calories per chas.Stiga have nowhere to practice it.

Aerobics - For women wishing to lose weight is just a good opportunity this occupation. Course of aerobics can burn in each city. There, under the direction of an experienced instructor will perform different for most people, even crazy but very effective exercises to achieve your goal. Of course in aerobics is not necessarily only women, but in most cases they are interested, unlike men who focus on power and rough training course you can do aerobics at home watching TV. About 30 minutes a day is enough to make you good cheer throughout the day.

- It is also ideal for weight loss, we can say that it removes the stress of everyday stress and soothe body and soul of man. 
There are many video courses for yoga, of course you can practice and a specialist in this field, the effect will be good.

Most important is to have faith if you do at least part of all activities described guarantee you that it will achieve the desired effect, but do not overuse strain, determine your days 3-4 of the week, eg 2 days 2 sessions break. And eat less often.Good luck.

Food Additives

The term additives means foodstuffs intended to supplement the normal diet. They are rich in nutrients and other items have a nutritional or physiological effect, used alone or in combination.Our food is deprived of necessary health micro-nutrients. Studies show that 20% of people now consume varying degrees nutritional supplements, such as consumption among women is twice as large as by-men.   One of the most important reasons for the lack of micro-nutrients is limiting calories. This is necessary not only to fashion weak, but also by the dramatic decline of physical activity, forcing us to limit calories and thus limits the coverage of micro-nutrients. According to the diets, namely 1500 kcal per day, shortages of these elements is inevitable.

Coffee or green tea

Green tea contains much less caffeine than in coffee. Cup of coffee contains about 130 to 220 mg of caffeine, while green tea - 40-45 mg. This alone is enough to convince us that green tea is a better choice, but there are some other advantages. In fact, a green tea ingredient, which counteract the caffeine. Teanin amino acid contained in green tea increases mental and physical stress, improves mood and has a calming effect. Therefore, although caffeine, green tea actually has a calming effect. Many people have discovered that even if you drink green tea late at night, it does not affect their sleep. Coffee, on the other hand, stimulates the flow of adrenaline. The release of adrenaline, called "stress hormone. It stimulates the reaction "fight or flight" situations are not life-threatening and leads to additional stress. Valorize the body in a state of constant readiness for "fight or flight" leads to exhaustion, characterized by inability to cope with stress and even depending on stimulants such as coffee.

Diet Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson was born on November 22, 1984 in New York.
Beauty is known films:"
Iron Man 2","He's Just Not That Into You","The Spirit","Vicky Cristina Barcelona" ,"The Black Dahlia","The Island" and many more. Scarlett Johansson is not worried about so-called "hard diets" in the name of her perfect figure, I guess you will agree that she has. Here is one of its fast diets, which it lowered speed up to 5 kg, but note that such a diet is a severe test and is admissible only in healthy women. We Slimming Secrets wish you success. Diet is imperative for the adoption of at least 1.5 liters of water during the day.

Breakfast:8.00 hours - a cup of hot water8.30 hours - 2 toast bread

Why do we need vitamins?

In respect of the weight loss diet needs vitamins 
When you diet, eat less. This reduces the total amount of vitamins adopted. To avoid the risk of deficiency of vitamins during this period must take every day, 1-2 capsules cocktail of vitamins.If your diet does not include dairy products, you need to take extra calcium and 1 tablet of 500 mg. daily. 

 Pregnant women need vitamins 
During pregnancy, nutritional needs are greater, which requires the adoption of additional quantities of vitamins. In particular vitamin A and D. It is recommended and particularly vitamin C / B6, B9. Pregnant women, especially those who long before had been taking contraceptives, almost always have a deficiency of vitamin B6. It is frequently due to nausea and vomiting and the occurrence of acid into the esophagus. Addition of 10-20 mg. day does not hide any risks.As far as vitamin B9 or folic acid /, it is necessary for proper development of the embryo - 10% of women, especially poor, suffering from a lack of vitamin B9, which leads to risk of anemia in the mother and baby with a little weight. Nay-rich in vitamin B9 is spinach.

Speed up your metabolism to lose weight

Aerobic exercise may speed up your metabolism. The key is persistence and tenacity. High intensity exercises stimulate the duration and rate of flow of metabolic process in terms of peace. To reap a great success, spend more time in the gym and in their spare time are involved in running or jogging, or indulge in long and quiet walks in the park. 
Do not forget water! The human body needs water to be unable to process the calories it receives in the process of consuming food. Even mild dehydration in the very metabolism slows down. It has been shown that those who drank eight or more glasses of water a day, have a faster metabolism than those who drank only 2-4 cups of fluid. To be well hydrated, your body, it is advisable to take a glass of water or sweetened beverage before each meal or snack. In addition, instead of sticks or chips and cookies are sure to consume more water-rich fresh fruits and vegetables. 
Iced drinks stimulate the body to burn more calories now in the process of digestion. According to research in this area with 5-6 cups of water ice can help to burn approximately 10 calories a day. 

Exercises for a flat belly

As we approach the season of the sea, we begin to try to put his body in regulations. An extremely difficult area to tighten and shape is exactly the abdomen. Various literature on the subject commented that the most effective way of dealing with the extended abdomen are aerobic exercises (running, cycling, swimming etc) effect on the flat belly of these exercises is indisputable, but we will recommend several exercises that help to form a flat and tight abdomen.

Exercises for a flat belly № 1 

For the first exercise for flat belly to lie on the floor, hip conclude at right angles to the floor, but it is tempered with a narrowed angle of about 60 °. Hands are lifted up. The implementation of this exercise for flat belly is as follows: Raise the upper body, arms go parallel to the stowed feet. To form a flat belly well need to do at least 10 repetitions of this exercise with three series.

Exercises for a flat belly № 2 

The second exercise for flat belly is also the starting position lying on the floor. Hip raised seating area and conclude a 90 ° angle with the floor. The arms are glued to the floor. The implementation of this exercise is a flat belly: lifting the pelvis up towards the ceiling and slowly return to the starting position. Try the implementation of this exercise for the upper abdomen to the back is snug fit to the floor. To have an effect do 10 repetitions in three series.

Hollywood weight loss diet

Extremely popular among Hollywood stars. In this diet is restricted salt and sugar completely excluded, starch products, including fats and vegetable oils and bread. Breakfast always consists of 2 oranges, tea or coffee. Diet is recommended to apply 1-2 times a year but not longer than two weeks. 
1 day of the Hollywood weight loss diet 
noon - 2 oranges 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 tomato, 40. almonds, a cup of coffee Dinner - a meatball of chicken, 1 tomato, 6 pieces of cucumber, green salad without oil, 1 grapefruit 
2 and day of the Hollywood weight loss diet noon - 1 egg, placed in boiling water for a few seconds, 1 grapefruit, 1 cup of black coffee. Dinner - 150 years of beef, lettuce, tea without sugar. 
3 day and the Hollywood weight loss diet noon - 2 poached egg, 1 tomato, boiled 15 cabbage or cauliflower, cup of coffee. Dinner - 150 years boiled fish fillet, ketchup, 1 cucumber, 1 cup tea without sugar. 

Good diet

According to most American study - are successful low-calorie diets!
After weight loss, ideal weight can be maintained without necessarily follow a diet, says study scientific organization in the field of healthy eating.
The study involved over 6000 volunteers registered officially in the National Office for weight control U.S.. All they have managed to remove at least 13.5 kilograms of weight and been able to retain it next year.
Main objective of the study was to clarify - latest changes in successful weight loss and recipes for their popularity. The findings of the study show that person to maintain weight after weight loss is not necessarily observe a diet. On the contrary - can feed and even desirable to change frequently without leading to accumulation of excessive weight. The data show that at 10 years ago - a popular recipe among respondents was the use of low calorie food with minimal fat and regular exercise.

Herbs and weight loss

Obesity is a chronic disease due to multiple factors - cultural and social environment, genetic, physiological, metabolic, psychological and others. Obesity is the second known direct or indirect cause of death worldwide.
Herbal treatment is an appropriate method, as in obesity, and in complications, concomitant obesity. Good selection of herbs successfully regulate fat, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism in the body. If herbal treatment is limited to fat intake.

Here are some of the most commonly used herbs for slimming products:

The colors of black elderberries contain 3% flavonoids that stimulate blood circulation. They have a direct effect on the nervous system, have a soothing effect. Thus reducing the increased appetite due to nervous tension and anxiety.

Secrets of weakening

There are many ideas for weight loss that have certain methods. But these methods do not work for all people equally. Extreme diets, banana, cabbage soup, Atkins diet or fasting is just absurd. Yes, you lose fat for a while, but your metabolism is totally wrong and then they back their lost weight, and more in no time.
Ultimately it comes down to calories consumed. 1200 to date are sufficient to not confuse body and you start to lose weight. It says simply - diet. This is the opinion of dietolozhkata Jenny Craig. She says some of its customers prefer to cut calories or portions to see whether it will act on them personally. If you do this, do it intelligently.

Select stodgy food and limit carbohydrates. Outdoor fruit and vegetables rich in fiber, and of course, pure meat. Starchy foods (potatoes), brown rice, orange vegetables, oats, millet, all they will play in your favor.
They have very little fat and feed the body and brain you with energy. And most important - will satiate.
There must be at - least three hours between meals you. Which are about 4 / 5 meals a day.So will speed up your metabolism, which, for example when starvation is slow and any body to eat everything in reserve. Which is good, provided that you are trying to lose pounds, not to accrue or have stagnated for too long.

Weight Loss and desserts

Anyone who seeks to keep his personal weight within the normal or diluting with one kilogram know that desserts can not be attributed to foods that are good for him. Is this exactly?
Elena Tereshina, Doctor of biological sciences, head of laboratory study of lipid exchange in clinical Scientific Center of Russia believes that everyone can afford certain types of desserts, but must advance very well to read labels and assess what will consumed. It must be clear total calorific dessert, the percentage of fats and sugars. According to her the greatest harm inflicted high oil desserts. They not only cause the accumulated fat in waist and hips, but stuck the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Expert on lipid exchange definitely believe that if you consume fat dessert, you do not know how to choose correctly. According to her, has luxuries that even models can afford without jeopardizing the figure.

Most are safe to figure desserts, made fresh (lean) test because it is made from flour, water and a little vegetable oil. It made strudel and other patty. These deserts are useful, of course, if the filling is put shredded fruit, cinnamon, some sugar. In a piece of strudel has about 200 calories and are 1-2% fat.

California Diet

Diet required at all times to drink lots of water, but not particularly heavy, because you're doomed to starvation.
In the morning you have a choice between coffee and tea without sugar.
The day without dinner are eligible 1 cup milk or 1 cup yogurt, a cup of herbal tea with 1 tablespoon copper.

Day one
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee (tea) sugar-free
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs
Dinner: a small piece of pork, beef or chicken (cooked must) and a salad of fresh vegetables of your choice, just seasoned with lemon

Day Two
Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee (tea) without sugar, 1 rusk

Weight Loss - juice or milk for breakfast

According to Australian researchers cup skimmed milk in the morning will allow you to stay all day for City. They say they have skimmed milk for breakfast allows you to control feelings of hunger and maintain a sense of satiety. Thus, unlike fruit juices, milk helps weight loss indirectly. People who drink a glass of milk in the morning, take 50 calories less than people who breakfast drink fruit juices.
In the experiment verified the effectiveness of nutritionists milk and juices to reduce feelings of hunger. The group were included men and women of different ages but all overweight participants had to assess their appetite for a period of 4 hours between breakfast and lunch.During those four hours were entitled to eat what they eat. In quantities were also not restricted.
The findings suggest that those who drank at breakfast and unsweetened skimmed milk, ate significantly less.

Weight loss with flax seed oil

Probably much you want to lose weight, you've already tried diet and the last book you'll hand. Without result. You are resigned to the fact that your body just constantly . How else to explain why you weigh more now than when you started at the beginning of the diet? Truth - your body is unable and of self-preservation. Exactly. When you start to restrict calories, your body is programmed to believe that entering a period of starvation. This instinct is ingrained in our genes, dating from ancient times when food gathering was not quite as easy as it is now rebound to the corner.

Metabolism - burning calories to produce energy, is funny, when the amount of calories you are taking is reduced. When fasting (diet or as we call it art these days) - the body begins to store calories in the form of body fat in anticipation of the next fasting (diet). The result? Become thicker and thicker with each experience. So it is, diets do not work. Worse fashion to defatted, low fat foods with ends that we are even thicker and thicker. This is clear and the U.S. edition of Barron's Jul
y 1, 1998, in an article entitled "Thick and obesity" - "Notwithstanding the glut on the market with dietary and health clubs, Americans are getting fatter. The elimination of fats from food produces precisely the opposite reaction in the body than that which is imagined or sought. When you consume nonfat, low fat foods, we do not expect to gain from them, but exactly what is happening. The majority of the defatted or low fat foods are highly refined, calorie compact. These foods, if not used in the production of high-energy physical exercise or simply become unsightly fat mass.

Is weakened by hunger?

We want to lose weight, do not feel good in your skin and the first measure we are taking a diet.One of the most popular diet is the dragon that said otherwise hunger.
Very often women who have no patience and want quick results, they decided to starve to get rid of overweight. But this diet has two major drawbacks - damage to our health and after her weight very quickly catching up.
Therefore, nutritionists advise to be careful with hunger unless it comes to gladolechenie. Then a few days are possible famine, but only if there is medical supervision.
Hungry diets can only impede the functions of many of our bodies and cause serious harm to our body. The best solution for women who do not like her body is to discover for themselves suitable diet. And it must be accompanied by practicing a sport. Even that helps to replace the lift with stair climbing.
To begin with, reduce the number of meals, cereals and sweet foods, and enjoy the fruit and vegetable variety in the spring. Combine it with a little more movement and the results themselves will come.

Weight loss without diet

Here are some quick tips for weight loss without diets, but still effective.
1. Most importantly, you know, thinking, so start from there, set up for eating less and just say that you do not need much food.
2. More sex - a way of spending a lot of energy. Regular sex, an idea even more frequently than regular replace good fitness walking, for example.
3. More walking - even if you do not have time to say walking - walk to work or walk to meetings. It will certainly reflect positively on your figure.
4. Drink water, lots of water and more water - you'll have a sense of satiety, while water is useful and will help you feel better.
5. Falling - love is when a person eating less.
6. Eat healthy - eat more vegetables, low fat meats (fish, chicken, ostrich, veal) and fruits.
That is so easily and seamlessly you can prepare for the summer - to look better.

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