Why do we need vitamins?

In respect of the weight loss diet needs vitamins 
When you diet, eat less. This reduces the total amount of vitamins adopted. To avoid the risk of deficiency of vitamins during this period must take every day, 1-2 capsules cocktail of vitamins.If your diet does not include dairy products, you need to take extra calcium and 1 tablet of 500 mg. daily. 

 Pregnant women need vitamins 
During pregnancy, nutritional needs are greater, which requires the adoption of additional quantities of vitamins. In particular vitamin A and D. It is recommended and particularly vitamin C / B6, B9. Pregnant women, especially those who long before had been taking contraceptives, almost always have a deficiency of vitamin B6. It is frequently due to nausea and vomiting and the occurrence of acid into the esophagus. Addition of 10-20 mg. day does not hide any risks.As far as vitamin B9 or folic acid /, it is necessary for proper development of the embryo - 10% of women, especially poor, suffering from a lack of vitamin B9, which leads to risk of anemia in the mother and baby with a little weight. Nay-rich in vitamin B9 is spinach.

Smoke, then you need more vitamins
 The recommended dose of vitamin C each is in the range of 60 to 100 mg. daily. However, smokers should take at least double. Numerous studies show that smokers in the levels of vitamin C in the blood are significantly lower. Only one cigarettes smoked increased by 25 mg.need for vitamin C. So if you smoke and consume large amounts of regular fruit and vegetables, you will need to take daily on a large soluble vitamin C tablet - preferably in the morning because the night he can keep you from falling asleep.
Vitamins fever grips Unlike cold smoking does not cause a shortage of vitamin C. In this case it is useful because of its role to activate the immune system, helping the body to fight against microbial and viral infections. Research shows that vitamin C helps to reduce symptoms of fever and accelerates healing. But it must be taken in large doses / 1 to 2 g daily. Intake is recommended to begin after the first symptoms and continued until the end of the disease. 

Vitamins against fatigue
Specialists recommend against fatigue primarily change in hygiene and living / enough sleep, regular exercise, proper diet. All this supplemented with a combination of vitamins would help to cope more easily with fatigue, people rushing for a change of seasons. Vitamins are anti-fatigue group and in particular vitamins B1 and B6, which enhance mental resistance. Well, they should be taken in combination with vitamin C, which  maintain vigilance of the organism and thus attempting to combat a bad mood. Of note is that there is no risk of overdose of these vitamins.

1 коментара:

unknown said...

Everyone needs vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and fit. To get essential nutrients start having Multivitamin and mineral supplement. This is good for improving energy and completes nutritional gap.

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