Is weakened by hunger?

We want to lose weight, do not feel good in your skin and the first measure we are taking a diet.One of the most popular diet is the dragon that said otherwise hunger.
Very often women who have no patience and want quick results, they decided to starve to get rid of overweight. But this diet has two major drawbacks - damage to our health and after her weight very quickly catching up.
Therefore, nutritionists advise to be careful with hunger unless it comes to gladolechenie. Then a few days are possible famine, but only if there is medical supervision.
Hungry diets can only impede the functions of many of our bodies and cause serious harm to our body. The best solution for women who do not like her body is to discover for themselves suitable diet. And it must be accompanied by practicing a sport. Even that helps to replace the lift with stair climbing.

To begin with, reduce the number of meals, cereals and sweet foods, and enjoy the fruit and vegetable variety in the spring. Combine it with a little more movement and the results themselves will come.

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