Why not make sense to take pills and continue to eat a lot?

Because the effects of the ingredients that can assume to be seen as slightly - you just do not eat and gain.
However, if you lose weight through diet and exercise, effective diet pills help you lose weight a little.
There are advertisements for weight loss products that say they will lose weight without exercise and diet, just drink a pill every day. They most likely you do not lie, because you lose weight while you drink the pill. The effects of these pills is usually or laxative or block the absorption of fat or carbohydrates. If you have diarrhea every day, you can not absorb food because many dispose of it quickly and it is equal to neyadene.
I.e. you eat, but not learning anything from food, because it very quickly through the body and discard. This is not healthy and after stopping the pills will napalneete more than before because your body will prezapasi and store fat.
In blocking the absorption of fat are removed in the faeces and usually leads to weakening slightly. This method is also defined as unhealthy because your body needs a small dose of fat every day to function.

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