Ginkgo Biloba

One of the oldest plants on Earth, a survivor in the extreme conditions of planetary upheaval and because of this accumulation in themselves highly active substances. Existing substances of ginkgo biloba are flavonoids, as well ginkolidi and bilobalidi. A unique feature of this complex matter is the ability to overcome entsefalnata hemato-barrier and exert a positive influence on the activity of the CNS. The active ingredients of ginkgo biloba possess high antioxidant activity, incl. the tissues of the brain. This property is related to the protection of structural and functional protection of cell membranes and normalization of brain metabolism: enhances the absorption of oxygen and glucose stimulated ATP synthesis, increases efficiency in the functioning of neurotransmitter and increases the density of synaptic receptors. Along with this there is room to improve the rheological properties of blood: reduced platelet aggregation, reduces blood clotting. Furthermore, ginkgo biloba reduces vascular permeability, normalizes blood pressure and has diuretic.

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