Fish liver oil of cod
Fish oil is one of the best sources of essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.
Fish oil contains essential fatty acids (ECN) are vital to our body, but the organism can not synthesize them, so you should accept them through our diet. Essential fatty acids support the reproductive, immune, nervous and cardiovascular system. Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids are two main groups of the ECN. Your body needs them to produce and 'fix' cell membranes, and the synthesis of prostaglandins, chemicals that are similar to hormones, which can be found in every cell of our body. ECN deficit should not be allowed. In its presence is noticed premature aging, stress, and susceptibility to disease and infection. Generally weakens your body physically.
Eicosapentaenoic (EPC) dekozaheksaenovata acid (DHK) acids are the omega-3 acids in oily fish such as salmon, jackal, herring, sardines, cod, etc. EPC / DHK are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements with. Dekozaheksaenovata acid is the main omega-3 acid in lipid membranes, including the heart. Average EPC 1000 mg / DHK can be obtained 100 grams of oily fish. However, if you do not eat fish at least twice a week should think about fish oil supplements can provide health benefits of omega-3 acids.
Fish oil contains eicosapentaenoic acid and dekozaheksaenova. Immediately after the reception they get "embedded" in the cytoplasm and the lipid membranes of cells.
Fish oil helps heart and to fight inflammation.
Recent studies fish oil (EPC AND DHK) helps to maintain your good mood and brain function.
Most clinical studies of omega-3 were made with fish oil.
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