Blue green algae (Spirulina maxima)

Spirulina is seaweed which is worldwide recognized as one of the most promising sources of protein among plants. Proteins that contain many essential amino acids make up more than 60 percent of the biomass of algae. Moreover, Spirulina contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides (alginic acid), vitamin complex (A, E, B1 B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, H), macro-and micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum), ie is a valuable nutrient. In Spirulina has been found an unidentified factor called factor control of growth, which manages the processes of growth and development of the cell. Spirulina also appears to be a rich source of xanthophyll and fikotsianin who have cancer activity.

Spirulina normal protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, has antioxidant, immunomodulating, radioprotektorno, soft anorektichno action, but also has detoksikatsionni and sorption properties, reduces blood clotting, enhances the body's adaptation capabilities.

Spirulina is used to reduce overweight prevention and treatment of anemia in dietoterapiyata of diabetes, gout, cardiovascular diseases (arteriosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertension), ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, chronic liver diseases cancer in immunodeficient conditions for integrated prevention and treatment of oncological diseases, reducing the harmful impact of environmental factors, including radiation in children with allergies to cow's milk in the diet of athletes specialized in stress situations.


Source Naturals L-Glutamine Powder, 16 OunceL-glutamine is neesentsialna amino acid contained in protein, beans, meat, fish. It is an amino acid that is found in greatest quantity in the blood plasma - 30-35% and contains about 20% hydrogen in its structure, which makes the basic carrier of hydrogen to muscle cells. 
L-glutamine increased secretion of growth hormone and plays an important role in protein metabolism. When taken regularly, protects muscle from traumatic breakage and decay, but also ensure that muscle tissue will have enough for their development. Otherwise, the deficit is possible because other tissues in need of glutamine will use glutamine in the muscles. 
Studies have shown that after intense muscular effort level of glutamine in the body fell to 50 percent, so that its intake is best - take place after training. Then the amino acid contributes to:

-Restoration of muscle glycogen (taking turns easily into glucose without increasing blood sugar and insulin); 
-Increasing protein synthesis; 
-Enlargement of muscle cells; 
-Increasing levels of growth hormone; 
Daily dose of 10 grams for athletes is sufficient for optimization of muscle metabolism. It is believed that the optimal dose of glutamine is 0.2 grams per kilogram of weight (eg 80-pound person - 16 grams). Study is that doses up to 0.3 g per kg weight are harmless. Even the short reception were given by 0.5 g per kg of weight, without reported side effects for bodybuilders best option is to adopt about 30 minutes after the workout.


TwinLab Creatine Fuel Stack Performance Enhancer, Strength, Capsules, 180-Count BottleCreatine is one of the most popular and effective supplements used by bodybuilders. Used as a supplement to the diet of bodybuilder, it helps for a quick and steady progress in muscle development of training.

Creatine is an amino acid, which consists of three related amino acids - arginine, glycine and methionine. Found that 95% of total creatine in the body in the form of creatine monohydrate and creatine-phosphate, is contained in muscle tissue. The role of creatine in the body is connected with the processes of muscle contraction. Main source of energy for it is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which breaks down to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The content of ATP in muscle is small and where necessary take place in muscle endurance, it must be resintezira quickly. The conversion of ADP to ATP in the anaerobic phase is carried out with the creatine phosphate (CP).

The main function of creatine is to increase the energy reserve in muscle, leading to increased muscle strength and endurance and increase muscle mass. Creatine helps to conduct a more intensive training / do not need big breaks between series / accelerate recovery of muscle between workouts and helps prevent decay processes (catabolism) of muscle tissue. Recent studies indicate that the product accelerates the process of burning fat, while helping to build lean muscle mass. 
Best results are achieved when creatine is taken in two stages. The first is called "boot" and is recommended to anyone who takes the supplement for the first time. Is the supply in the muscles with creatine, and its duration ranged from 4 to 7 days in which to take 20-30 grams a day combined with water or fruit juice. Then begins the second stage, during which take 5 -10 grams per day to maintain muscle loaded. Alternatively acceptance of creatine, which will not boot stage, just starting with doses of 5 to 10 grams daily.

The main dietary sources of creatine are meat (especially beef) and fish (herring, salmon, tuna, etc.). One kilo of meat contains about 4 - 5 grams of creatine, but not every person can take daily, and that particular part of the day, such quantities of food to meet daily needs. It is this requires taking creatine in the form of food additive mainly by athletes engaged in power sports, and this quantity should be taken before or after training, depending on the type of sport and training phase.


L-Carnitine is a vitamin substance that is found in all tissues, highest concentrations in the skeletal and heart muscle. They are most dependent on it. As a natural constituent of cells, it plays a major role in production and transport of energy.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that our body produces from the amino acid lysine, as this is necessary nalichieto of vitamin B6, vitamin C, niacin, iron and amino acid methionine. The main function of L-Carnitine is to transport fatty acids, long chain in the cell membrane to reach the mitochondria, which serve as "fuel" for energy needed by the body. This is necessary because fatty acids are difficult to undergo this membrane because it is impermeable. Switching is easy when the fat molecule is associated with a molecule of L-carnitine. Since the molecule of fat is burned It produces waste products, then karnitina associated with them and spent back in the cell wall of the cell. So the effects of L-carnitine is a twice - first introduced in the fat cell and subsequently bringing unnecessary items. L-Carnitine participates in oxidation of branched chain amino acids, prevents the formation of lactic acid in muscles and block the substances that deplete the cell wall. Furthermore, by increasing its supply of oxygen to the muscles and provides energy without break so valuable proteins.

L-Carnitine can be found in two types - liquid and capsules (tablets). Liquid is absorbed faster and is more suitable for reception before and during a workout, while the capsules or tablets is slower action. 
L-Carnitine is a dietary supplement is widely used in sport primarily for increasing the metabolism of fatty acids in anaerobic exercise and cardioprotective effects. For this purpose, prescribing and overweight people. Accepted 30 minutes before workout, it improves the body's resilience in protracted and heavy loads. It has been shown that the amount received L-carnitine determine the speed at which the body burns fat, thus its use before aerobic exercise (aerobics, cross, etc..) Is an excellent way to combat excess fat.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of complex tissue proteins in the human body and play an important role in the development of the muscles. Protein bodies involved in the development of all tissues and all vital processes of the body. Their main functions are: structural, enzymatic, hormonal, immune, transport, energy. For optimal functioning of a tissue protein biosynthesis is necessary balance between The essential (vital, essential for the body) and replaceable (ie those that the body can synthesize itself) amino acids. 

Each amino acid differs from the other in composition, side groups or hydrocarbon skeleton chain (R), which contains. Depending on the type of chain amino acids are of two types: 

Indispensable (essential) - essential amino acids (eight in number) - methionine, threonine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine and valine, in some cases, experts refer to them also histidine and arginine. They are indispensable because they are produced in the body and have to be borne by the food or medicines and sports medicines:

Histidine - participates in the production of red and white blood cells, regulates the functions of the antibody constructs Myelin sheath of nerve fibers. It is believed that this amino acid positive influence of the auditory nerve diseases, anemia, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory reactions of the organism. Histidinat also has vasodilating, respectively - lower blood pressure effect; 

Arginine - conditionally essential amino acid which becomes essential in conditions of stress and some health problems. Arginine deficiency leads to impaired growth and sexual function in men. Arginine crosses the blood-brain barrier and stimulates the secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary. Needs of arginine in humans are increased and conditions: bodily injury (trauma), surgery, burns, fractures, blood transfusions, tumor processes, infections, malnutrition (malnutrition); 

Lysine - known for its ability to inhibit the development and propagation of Herpes Simplex-virus. High doses of lysine also contribute to the production of antibodies, hormones and enzymes. In children, lysine is needed for proper growth and bone formation. This amino acid involved in the production of collagen in tissue recovery and muscle building proteins - all important healing process after injury and surgery;

Methionine - lipotropna activity is similar to choline, ie support the elimination of lipids, which could form clots in the arteries. Furthermore, improved and condition of skin, hair and nails. Sulfur contained in methionine protects cells from exogenous contaminants (eg smog) and slows their aging process. Methionine has chelating properties, ie has the ability to connect and support the separation of heavy metals, stumbled across the body - lead, cadmium, mercury. Can be used to overcome fatigue, and some allergic conditions, as reduced secretion of histanin;

Phenylalanine - precursor (forerunner) of tyrosine. The two amino acids together are involved in the production of thyroid hormones and some neurotransmitters responsible for memory, awake, good mood and appetite suppression; 

Threonine - participate in the construction of many proteins, some of which are: the enamel of the teeth, elastin, collagen. Participates in the synthesis of amino acids - glycine and serine. There lipotropno action, controlling fat deposition in liver. He adjuvant promotes the development and activity of the thymus gland; 

Tryptophan - most scantily contained in protein amino acid that is easily transformed (metabolized) in the liver. Triptofanat is required for production of certain vitamins of B group, in particular - of niacin, which in turn is responsible for the formation of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin. This control svrahvazbudimost conditions, stress, increased appetite, insomnia, aggressive behavior;

Valley - has stimulating properties in terms of growth, muscle mass, recovery of tissues. Valinat can serve as a source of energy by keeping the glucose effect. Its deficiency may impair Myelin sheath of nerves. Recent studies found that valinat and levtsinat izolevtsinat and have beneficial effects in other impairment of the central nervous system caused by insufficiency or alcohol abuse; 

Izolevtsinat concentrated in muscle tissue. Is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and regulate blood sugar. Isoleucine, leucine and valine are used successfully by athletes for active recovery and increase muscle mass. Are also used to treat liver diseases and injuries; 
- Leucine - regulates protein synthesis, and its main functions consist in improving brain function, suppression of pain, prevent muscle breakdown and loss of muscle mass. Levtsinat strong energy; 
Levtsinat, Izolevtsinat Valinat and are called branched chain amino acids "- BCAA. 

Exchangeable (neesentsialni) - the body can produce them if they need them:
Alanine - is one of the simplest amino acid which participates in the process of glycolysis - the breakdown of glucose and energy production; 

Asparagine - support the metabolic functions of the central and peripheral nervous system; 

Asparaginova acid - a very important part of the enzyme responsible for transfer nitrogenous amino acids in the liver, as in the synthesis and degradation of proteins. Recent studies show that supplements of arginine and aspartate to food are useful in conditions of chronic fatigue, decreased fertility in men. Potassium Aspartate improves in various heart problems, increased stamina and increased production of nucleic acids and energy in cells. Asparaginovata acid is one of the two main excited amino acids in the brain (the other is glutamine); 

Carnitine - plays an important role in fat metabolism and lowering triglycerides in the blood. It carries fatty acids in the membranes of mitochondria, which are the responsibility and the production of energy. Furthermore, Carnitine accelerates the process of processing the fat from the liver. By preventing the accumulation of fats, amino acid that assists the loss of body mass and decreased risk of heart damage;

Cysteine - an important precursor of glutathione, one of the most effective antioxidants in the human organism. Participate in the capture of free radicals, which result from metabolic processes and cause other pathological changes. It is believed that oxidative processes and free radicals underlie the aging process, but this is due to the role of glutathione to delay this process. It protects the liver, brain and red blood cells from the harmful effect of cigarettes and alcohol. Cysteine helps prevent and treat atherosclerosis, heart attack, cancer diseases, inflammatory joint diseases. Has regulating insulin secretion and action;

Cystitis - a liver protective and nervous system effects on the toxic effects of alcohol abuse and smoking. Assists healing of wounds and burns, used for liquefaction of secretions in some diseases (chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis); 
»Glutamic acid - precursor of gamma-aminobutyric acid - an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Glutamic acid helps transport potassium in the spinal fluid and helps the treatment of mental retardation, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, alcoholism;

Glutamine - amino acid, widely used to improve the functioning of the brain. Increased ability to concentrate, improves mood and thinking. Could also be used as an energy source for cells and increases blood sugar levels in conditions of hypoglycemia. Adding glutamine to the diet lowered the thirst for alcohol and successfully used in the treatment of alcoholism. Other health problems that could be affected favorably are: depression, schizophrenia, autism and behavioral disorders in children;

Glutathione - acts as a potent antioxidant, a key protector against all types of pollutants - pesticides, plastics, heavy metals, cigarette smoke, smog, drugs and narcotics, solvents, paints, phenols, nitrates, etc.. Has a unique ability to slow the aging process. There immune action and reduces the side effects of exposure to radiation, chemotherapy, alcohol; 

Glycine - important for optimal functioning of the central nervous system, prostate gland in men, immunity. Studies show that glitsinat may prove useful in conditions of increased muscle spasm, including multiple sclerosis. His excitement trapping properties inhibit the progression of epileptic seizures, manic episodes, have a calming effect, reduces the acidity of gastric secretion. In higher doses, glitsinat can stimulate growth hormone release and healing of wounds; 

Ornithine - improve the functioning of the liver and disposal of toxic substances in it. There immune regulating metabolism and fat properties; 

Proline - a favorable influence on skin condition;

Series - required for metabolism of fats and fatty acids, increase muscle mass and functioning of the immune system. Assists the production of antibodies (immunoglobulins); 

Taurine - an amino acid of the highest content in the human body. Concentrated primarily in the brain and heart. Possesses suppressive activity and modulating effect of neurotransmitters and is used for epilepsy, neurogenic-driven tics and others. Improves vision (retinal function), reduces the risk of developing cataracts;

Tyrosine - a precursor of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that are important for the development of depression. Of tyrosine in the thyroid gland is formed thyroxine. This is the hormone that regulates growth and metabolic processes, the skin and central nervous system; 
The richest food amino acids are those which have a high content of protein - meat, fish, dairy products, legumes, etc.. Animal sources contain more essential amino acids (essential) amino acids from plant products, and therefore are recommended for use, although they contain more fat. 
Amino acid dietary supplements successfully used to optimize the biological value of protein consumed resources and to improve the functions and structure of the line tissues and organs in the human body. 
Amino acids help to restore muscle tissue after heavy physical exertion. They also participate in the growth and development of muscles. When his body absorb the necessary amino acids, it can produce over 50 000 different protein substances and more than 15 000 enzymes. 
The effect of intake of free amino acids is greater than the adoption of protein concentrates. This is due to their better perception of the human body. In general, since proteins are borne by the body in the digestive system to break the last di-and tri-peptides (compounds containing two or three amino acids). These peptides are "suck" in it for specialized cells in the small intestine and are broken down to free amino acids, which are then transferred into the bloodstream. After entering the bloodstream, the individual amino acids are transported to all in need of their cells, they pass and are used for the synthesis of the necessary and specific for the cell / tissue / body proteins and enzymes. Thus, protein synthesis (including increased muscle mass) while going after the collapse of the food protein of amino acids. This is the difference between regular intake and taking them in the form of nutritional supplement. In adopting the amino acids in the form of a supplement, they do not require digestion and are ready for use by cell type.

Bifidum bacteria

Bifidum microorganism is bacteria from the natural intestinal microflora. She took part in the digestive and metabolic processes produce many vitamins (especially group B), natural antibiotic and hormone related substances regulate intestinal activity, maintain the balance of bacterial flora, enhances immunity. When the amount of bifidum bacteria in the intestines of man is insufficient to develop dizbakterioza, and consequently - inflammatory diseases, abnormal intake and utilization of biologically active substances, reducing resistance of the organism, which determines the secondary immunodeficiency and consequent increased risk of developing cancer and infectious diseases.

Ginkgo Biloba

One of the oldest plants on Earth, a survivor in the extreme conditions of planetary upheaval and because of this accumulation in themselves highly active substances. Existing substances of ginkgo biloba are flavonoids, as well ginkolidi and bilobalidi. A unique feature of this complex matter is the ability to overcome entsefalnata hemato-barrier and exert a positive influence on the activity of the CNS. The active ingredients of ginkgo biloba possess high antioxidant activity, incl. the tissues of the brain. This property is related to the protection of structural and functional protection of cell membranes and normalization of brain metabolism: enhances the absorption of oxygen and glucose stimulated ATP synthesis, increases efficiency in the functioning of neurotransmitter and increases the density of synaptic receptors. Along with this there is room to improve the rheological properties of blood: reduced platelet aggregation, reduces blood clotting. Furthermore, ginkgo biloba reduces vascular permeability, normalizes blood pressure and has diuretic.

Ginseng (Panax Ginseng CA. Meu)

For medical purposes use the plant roots, which contain a complex biologically active compounds: protein substances, lipids, pectin, essential oils, vitamins of group C, minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron) and others. Ginseng-specific Everyday represented most triterpenic saponins - panaksozidi (ginsenozidi) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, relating to tipadamaran. From panaksozidite A, B, C aglikonat appears panaksotriol and, panaksozidite D, E, F, G-panaksodiol.

Gens-Shannon is a classic adaptogen and highly refreshing and general strengthening means. It helps increase nonspecific resistance of the organism and its adaptive capacity. At the biochemical level, this finds its expression in stimulating the synthesis of proteins and Dej, including enzymes oksikortikosteroidite increase in blood plasma, noradrenaline and dopamine in brainstem, regulating serotonin levels in the cortex. Gens-Shannon stimulates the absorption of carbohydrates and lipids, increased synthesis of ATP. Assists wrapped-eases physical and mental disability, reduces fatigue, improves blood flow in brain structures and provide it with oxygen is effective in asthenic conditions and then spent tsiozni infected diseases.

Increases resistance to unfavorable environmental impacts, physical and mental overload and stress. Favorable effect on cardiac function: increased amplitude and reduced the incidence of cardiac abbreviations. Possess immunoregulatory activities in viral hepatitis and others. infectious diseases; hypoglycaemic - in diabetes mellitus; hipoholesterolemichno in prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Improves blood count in anemia. Stimulate sexual activity and increased potency.

Vitamin C

 Vitamin C is found in the form of ascorbic acid-dehidroaskor binovi acids (reversibly oxidized form) and askorbigen (related form). 
Ascorbic acid is a lactone enoliziran b. Keto-2-alpha-gulinova acid. The presence of dienolnata group determines its highly restorative properties. Ascorbic acid is reversibly oxidized to dehydroascorbic. Dehydroascorbic acid represents by itself diketolaldonova 2,3-lactone acid. 
Recovery of ascorbic acid into dehydroascorbic it quickly in the presence of sulfhidridni compounds (such as cysteine, glutathione), tioglikoleva acid. Catalysts for this process also appears flavonoids. 
In its irreversible oxidation ascorbic acid is converted into 2,3-diketogulinova and treonova acid.

In animal and plant tissues only part of ascorbic acid is in free state, its other part is permanently linked to proteins or nucleic acids and becomes available for oxidation only after its separation from the past. This form of ascorbic acid is called askorbigen. 
Received in the human organism with food prosmukva ascorbic acid is mainly in the small intestine. Its maximum amount is in the blood after its adoption, after 4 hours. In the body of a healthy person, total ascorbic acid is from 3 to 6 in blood plasma containing an average of 0,7-1,2 mg per 100 ml, WBC - 20-30 mg. 
All plants and many animals synthesize ascorbic acid, with the exception of guinea pigs, monkeys and humans. In their absence two ferments: D-glyukoronreduktaza alpha-and gamma-gulono laktonoksidaza that deliver the synthesis of ascorbic acid from glucose.

No doubt that the primary biochemical functions of ascorbic acid are closely related to its fundamental chemical properties - the ability to fast and reversible oxidative recovery processes. This enables it to serve as a hydrogen donor in numerous recreational events, as well as intermediate conveyor of protons and electrons in different oxidative-restorative processes. Ability to format a svobodnoradikalna semihinonova form of ascorbic acid provides an opportunity for active participation in the reactions of oxidation and hydroxylation svobodnoradikalnoto. 
Most reliably established biochemical function of ascorbic acid appears to participate in the hydroxylation of proline in oksiprolin prokolagena the conversion of a major connective tissue protein collagen. Ascorbic acid may participate in other hydroxylation reactions: microsomal hydroxylation of xenobiotics, hydroxylation of cholesterol, steroid hormones, the conversion of tryptophan to 5-oksitriptofan and others. Ascorbic acid is also necessary for normal metabolism of tyrosine-deficit intensifies its transformation in the last homogentizinova, n-and n-oksifenilpropionova oksifenilmlechna acid. 

Ascorbic acid is related to carbon exchange. Its deficiency disturb the normal absorption of glucose. Vitamin C also prevents the development of sclerosis, promote oxidation and removal of cholesterol from the body. High levels of ascorbic acid in certain organs with internal secretion (adrenal glands, pituitary, gonads) testifies to the important role in the metabolism of hormones. 
The metabolism of ascorbic acid is associated with metabolism of other vitamins. Is proven synergism of action of vitamins C and B1. Ascorbic acid has a protective effect also of pantothenic and nicotinic acids, contribute to fermentnoto convert folic acid into its active forms kofermentni. Simultaneous introduction of ascorbic acid and folic acid in the body of the sick Avitaminosis-C, as well as folic failure, contributing to the rapid treatment of anemia alimentarna. Ascorbic acid plays an important role in the metabolism of vitamin E in the body, facilitating the recovery of tocopherol molecules, susceptible to oxidation by reactions with active forms of oxygen svobodnoradikalni. Ascorbic acid also has a protective effect on the number of mineral substances, facilitating, for example, the absorption of calcium and iron. 

Described is the variety of other effects of vitamin C. It is evident that ascorbic acid plays a fundamental biochemical and physiological role in facilitating the normal development of connective tissue, the processes of regeneration and strengthening, increase the body's resistance to various types of stress, maintaining processes of normal blood formation and immune status of the organism. 
Results of numerous scientific studies have shown that vitamin C-deficiency is a decrease in imunobiologicheski effects such as Complementary fagotsitarna activity and blood titres of specific antibodies. 
The boom of colds somewhat coincides with the failure of seasonal foods rich in vitamins A and C and riboflavin, and also by lowering the content of these vitamins in products with long storage period. It was found that additional intake of vitamins, first, ascorbic acid, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Hipovitaminozata of vitamin C in humans develops in part the inclusion of vitamin C in ratsiona of nutrition in increased demand on the body thereof, in violation of the processes of its suction or absorption. This process can last for years without clear clinical symptoms appear. It is difficult to ascertain at what stage of using the reserves of ascorbic acid in the body comes first clinical disorders. The earliest clinical symptoms of deficiency of vitamin C appears to be pinpoint bleeding of the skin (petechiae), determined by lowering the resistance of capillaries. Subsequently hipovitaminozata of vitamin C is characterized by nonspecific symptoms, predominantly from nervous system and weakness. In developing Avitaminosis - C is seen perifolikulyarni hyperkeratosis, pain in legs, Scrappy color of skin, bleeding in the hair follicles and lower edges in the knees, bruising in the areas of knee joints, the back of the thighs, in places of former trauma and compression of shoes and clothes. 

Vatremishnichni arise and subcutaneous bleeding in the shoulders. All of these phenomena in 75% of cases are accompanied by subfebrilna temperature. 
Along with bleeding in Avitaminosis-C or develop hipohlorhidriya ahlorhidriya, constipation first, then disorder hipohromna anemia. Following the lowering of the immunity of the body is marked increased susceptibility to infections. Healing of wounds and bone fractures runs slow and difficult. 
Laboratory detection and hipovitaminozata Avitaminosis, lies in the determination of ascorbic acid in blood and urine. Its content in plasma decreased very quickly after being expelled from vitamin nutrition. Ascorbic acid disappears from the urine more rapidly than from plasma. The determination of its content is determined by time diagnostic significance. The content of ascorbic acid in leukocytes reaching zero values for only 4 months after its exclusion from the diet, when they appear the first clinical signs of hipovitaminoza - Si Avitaminosis.

Nonstop need for ascorbic acid for adults is 70-80 mg in domestic and favorable climatic conditions. The factors that increase the need for this vitamin include: smoking, heavy physical work, neuro-emotional stress, pregnancy, nursing, rehabilitation after serious illnesses, operations, need to strengthen the body's immune system. 
Under the rules in Russia, the daily consumption of vitamin C should be: for males - 70-100 mg; for women - 70-80 mg, for pregnant women, 90-100 mg; for nursing-110-120 mg, for adults, 80 mg, for children up to 1 g-30-40 mg; Zg. to-45 mg; to 6 years-80 mg; to 10 yrs-60 mg;-17-70 mg.
Of food sources of vitamin C are: hips, black grapes, red peppers, peas, lemon. Vitamin C is found in green onions, white cabbage, potatoes. Vitamin C has a high sensitivity to conditions of technological processing. Rubbing and squeezed and thermal treatment lead to a loss of ascorbic acid.

Fish oil

Nature Made Fish Oil Omega-3 1200mg, 300 SoftgelsFish liver oil of cod 
Fish oil is one of the best sources of essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. 

Fish oil contains essential fatty acids (ECN) are vital to our body, but the organism can not synthesize them, so you should accept them through our diet. Essential fatty acids support the reproductive, immune, nervous and cardiovascular system. Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids are two main groups of the ECN. Your body needs them to produce and 'fix' cell membranes, and the synthesis of prostaglandins, chemicals that are similar to hormones, which can be found in every cell of our body. ECN deficit should not be allowed. In its presence is noticed premature aging, stress, and susceptibility to disease and infection. Generally weakens your body physically.

Eicosapentaenoic (EPC) dekozaheksaenovata acid (DHK) acids are the omega-3 acids in oily fish such as salmon, jackal, herring, sardines, cod, etc. EPC / DHK are also a source of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements with. Dekozaheksaenovata acid is the main omega-3 acid in lipid membranes, including the heart. Average EPC 1000 mg / DHK can be obtained 100 grams of oily fish. However, if you do not eat fish at least twice a week should think about fish oil supplements can provide health benefits of omega-3 acids.

Fish oil contains eicosapentaenoic acid and dekozaheksaenova. Immediately after the reception they get "embedded" in the cytoplasm and the lipid membranes of cells. 
Fish oil helps heart and to fight inflammation. 
Recent studies fish oil (EPC AND DHK) helps to maintain your good mood and brain function. 
Most clinical studies of omega-3 were made with fish oil.

Flax Oil

Although in recent years in America and Europe became a hit for a healthy lifestyle, linseed oil and flax generally has long been known for its unique properties. Indeed, one can say that this is one of the oldest food additives. Already in the Roman Empire flax was particularly popular and sought after for its medicinal properties. He is one of the drugs used and recommended by Hippocrates. 

Because it is produced and stored is extremely difficult and short life, making it more expensive, some linseed oil called "forgotten oil." 
True connoisseurs know however that it is the product to you at any price. And this is not accidental. 
The truth is that because the flowering of research has grown from linseed oil to healthy food product research deserve special recognition. Read what is the secret of Flax Oil?

What is the secret of Flax seed oil?

In nature identified two types of essential or essential fatty acids. Are essential because the human body can not produce them himself, and it from finished food that poem. These two polyunsaturated fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3) and linoleic acid (Omega-6). 

Of all known food linseed oil is undoubtedly recognized as the product with the most rich in these vital acids - 55% Omega-3 and 16.7% Omega-6. This is almost twice as much content in fish oil for example. 
These fatty acids are essential for all living cells of the body as needed for construction, rehabilitation and construction of new ones. Particular attention deserve Omega-3 fatty acids.
They are integral part of the membranes of brain cells and the retina of the eye. 
Penetrate the placenta provides full development of the central nervous system of the unborn child. 
Facilitate better absorption of calcium and magnesium from the cells and facilitate the passage of these minerals through cellular membranes. Lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Along with omega-6 acids promote adequate synthesis of prostaglandins and reduced platelet aggregation in blood. 
Omega-3 acids hamper the action of cyclooxygenase enzymes, respectively, the induction of inflammatory and allergic reactions. Have a prophylactic effect of onkozabolyavaniyata, especially in chronic gynecological diseases.

What favors Flax Oil?
Flax Oil lowers cholesterol and triglycerides 
Improves the condition of blood vessels after heart disease, help prevent development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. 
Supports the restoration of heart rhythm and preventing its breach later. This also significantly reduces the number of attacks of angina and improves tolerance to physical exertion. 
Act favorably with high blood pressure. 
Has a unique anti-inflammatory action, especially in inflammation and joint pain and arthritis, inflammation of the stomach, intestines, bronchi, urinary tract infections. Stimulates wound healing and bone building. Assists refund liver disease. Improve the functioning of brain activity and act favorably with mental illness and depression. Is particularly useful in diseases of the nervous system (mental abnormalities, Alzheimer's, memory distortion, migraine condition after stroke, inattention, lowering the concentration of attention, etc.);

Assist the proper functioning of the thyroid and pituitary. One of the most common applications of Flax Oil is ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. Huge amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in Flax Oil helps to thin the blood. As prevent agglutination of platelets, they reduce the risk of thrombotic and thus prevent the occurrence of heart attack and stroke. Substantially improves the functional status of the brain and spinal cord and eyes. Flax Oil has anti-allergic effect, which is particularly important when suffering from bronchial asthma. The results of the adoption of children in the USA suffering from asthma are amazing. Adoption regularly ensure healthy skin and helps protect from alergicheski dermatoses (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, etc). Is useful in diabetes and preventing complications of the disease. Helps reduce symptoms of gout, purify the blood. Support the proper feeding of the unborn child. Used for diseases of the kidneys. 

Linseed oil is the product recommended by world famous Dr. Joanna Budvig to prevent and combat cancer. As one of the biggest specialists in the field of biochemistry and biophysics of fat, she was nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize. Dr. Joanna Budvig found that flaxseed oil and fatty acids in it give nebhodimite resilience and energy of the body to recover and overcome the cancerous disease. According to her theory supported by the acid-rich electrons significantly increase immune protection and degrade and remove tumors and metastases.

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