Diet Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson was born on November 22, 1984 in New York.
Beauty is known films:"
Iron Man 2","He's Just Not That Into You","The Spirit","Vicky Cristina Barcelona" ,"The Black Dahlia","The Island" and many more. Scarlett Johansson is not worried about so-called "hard diets" in the name of her perfect figure, I guess you will agree that she has. Here is one of its fast diets, which it lowered speed up to 5 kg, but note that such a diet is a severe test and is admissible only in healthy women. We Slimming Secrets wish you success. Diet is imperative for the adoption of at least 1.5 liters of water during the day.

Breakfast:8.00 hours - a cup of hot water8.30 hours - 2 toast bread

Why do we need vitamins?

In respect of the weight loss diet needs vitamins 
When you diet, eat less. This reduces the total amount of vitamins adopted. To avoid the risk of deficiency of vitamins during this period must take every day, 1-2 capsules cocktail of vitamins.If your diet does not include dairy products, you need to take extra calcium and 1 tablet of 500 mg. daily. 

 Pregnant women need vitamins 
During pregnancy, nutritional needs are greater, which requires the adoption of additional quantities of vitamins. In particular vitamin A and D. It is recommended and particularly vitamin C / B6, B9. Pregnant women, especially those who long before had been taking contraceptives, almost always have a deficiency of vitamin B6. It is frequently due to nausea and vomiting and the occurrence of acid into the esophagus. Addition of 10-20 mg. day does not hide any risks.As far as vitamin B9 or folic acid /, it is necessary for proper development of the embryo - 10% of women, especially poor, suffering from a lack of vitamin B9, which leads to risk of anemia in the mother and baby with a little weight. Nay-rich in vitamin B9 is spinach.

Speed up your metabolism to lose weight

Aerobic exercise may speed up your metabolism. The key is persistence and tenacity. High intensity exercises stimulate the duration and rate of flow of metabolic process in terms of peace. To reap a great success, spend more time in the gym and in their spare time are involved in running or jogging, or indulge in long and quiet walks in the park. 
Do not forget water! The human body needs water to be unable to process the calories it receives in the process of consuming food. Even mild dehydration in the very metabolism slows down. It has been shown that those who drank eight or more glasses of water a day, have a faster metabolism than those who drank only 2-4 cups of fluid. To be well hydrated, your body, it is advisable to take a glass of water or sweetened beverage before each meal or snack. In addition, instead of sticks or chips and cookies are sure to consume more water-rich fresh fruits and vegetables. 
Iced drinks stimulate the body to burn more calories now in the process of digestion. According to research in this area with 5-6 cups of water ice can help to burn approximately 10 calories a day. 

Exercises for a flat belly

As we approach the season of the sea, we begin to try to put his body in regulations. An extremely difficult area to tighten and shape is exactly the abdomen. Various literature on the subject commented that the most effective way of dealing with the extended abdomen are aerobic exercises (running, cycling, swimming etc) effect on the flat belly of these exercises is indisputable, but we will recommend several exercises that help to form a flat and tight abdomen.

Exercises for a flat belly № 1 

For the first exercise for flat belly to lie on the floor, hip conclude at right angles to the floor, but it is tempered with a narrowed angle of about 60 °. Hands are lifted up. The implementation of this exercise for flat belly is as follows: Raise the upper body, arms go parallel to the stowed feet. To form a flat belly well need to do at least 10 repetitions of this exercise with three series.

Exercises for a flat belly № 2 

The second exercise for flat belly is also the starting position lying on the floor. Hip raised seating area and conclude a 90 ° angle with the floor. The arms are glued to the floor. The implementation of this exercise is a flat belly: lifting the pelvis up towards the ceiling and slowly return to the starting position. Try the implementation of this exercise for the upper abdomen to the back is snug fit to the floor. To have an effect do 10 repetitions in three series.

Hollywood weight loss diet

Extremely popular among Hollywood stars. In this diet is restricted salt and sugar completely excluded, starch products, including fats and vegetable oils and bread. Breakfast always consists of 2 oranges, tea or coffee. Diet is recommended to apply 1-2 times a year but not longer than two weeks. 
1 day of the Hollywood weight loss diet 
noon - 2 oranges 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 tomato, 40. almonds, a cup of coffee Dinner - a meatball of chicken, 1 tomato, 6 pieces of cucumber, green salad without oil, 1 grapefruit 
2 and day of the Hollywood weight loss diet noon - 1 egg, placed in boiling water for a few seconds, 1 grapefruit, 1 cup of black coffee. Dinner - 150 years of beef, lettuce, tea without sugar. 
3 day and the Hollywood weight loss diet noon - 2 poached egg, 1 tomato, boiled 15 cabbage or cauliflower, cup of coffee. Dinner - 150 years boiled fish fillet, ketchup, 1 cucumber, 1 cup tea without sugar. 

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