How to Develop a Healthy Lifestyle and Add Years to Your Life

The world is changing, and people are now starting to understand just how important it is to maintain their health throughout their lives. Making healthy lifestyle chances now can mean that you live longer, and there is every reason to start making those adjustments right now. Fortunately, living a healthy life does not have to be difficult, and it does not have to be expensive. The following are a few of the ways that you are going to be able to start adopting a healthier way of living so that you might be able to add a few years to your life!

Watch What You Eat

Obesity is a large problem in the United States, and in many other areas around the world. Being overweight is extremely unhealthy, and it can shorten your life by years. You should remove fast food and processed foods from your diet, and add more veggies and fruit. In addition, you are going to want to watch your portions.

No More Smoking

If you are a smoker, you really need to quit, and you need to do so soon. Every time you light up a cigarette, you are introducing more harm to your body, and it can take longer to repair. Once you quit though, you will find that your body can do quite a bit to recover some damage that the smoke did to you.

How Many Calories To Lose Weight Fast? Yup, The 4 Hottest Tricks To Get You There, Pronto!

By: Sheila Newth
Gee, let me guess! So you wanna know how many calories to lose weight and quick? Well, who can blame ya. Just look around. Everywhere you look there is an ad for a super skinny young thing sporting the latest fashions...and I bet you wanna look "just like her" don't you.

Well, we can get you close. REAL close. PLUS, it's SO much easier than you ever thought to lose weight as quickly as humanly possible.

So what are we waiting for?  If you want to know exactly how many calories to lose weight, or how many calories should I eat a day, here are the 4 hottest tricks to losing weight, PRONTO!

 STEP 1: You Need to Really Want To Reach Your Goal!
 And I mean WANT it. You need to know where you want to go before you start. So imagine your most sexy self RIGHT NOW. Go ahead. Take a second and really imagine your hottest self in your mind. Yeah, that's you if you keep at going and don't quit. Always keep that image in your mind.

STEP 2: No Negative Nelly's Allowed (Think Happy Thoughts)!
Yup, that's right. I said it.  Starting right now, you need to love yourself just as you are (stop giving me that face). It's true, and you know it is. You will get much further in life and in anything you do, if you have a positive attitude (and to lose weight fast is no different)!
So just tell yourself you love yourself just as you are, belly rolls, sags and all. Cause hey, you are a pretty awesome person! The positive energy will come back to you and you'll actually start to crave things that are (shocking, I know) good for you (like veggies & fruits).

You may actually, dare I say it, even want to exercise that cute little bod of yours (instead of just lounging around like the couch potato you are now)....all of which helps to lose weight even quicker! And if you want to know how many calories should I eat a day, just stick with the rule of thumb of 3500 calories is in one pound. If you want to lose one pound a week, just reduce your calories by 3500 every week. You will lose weight. To make it even easier, use a great calorie counter to help you.

STEP 3: Think before you shove it down your throat (Back away from the Ben & Jerry's, NOW)!
This may seem like an easy one, but when to know how many calories to lose weight,  it's a teensy bit harder when you actually try to do it.  if you REALLY want to lose weight fast and get that sexy, smokin' body we both know is hiding under all that belly (and back) flab right now, you really need to think just a LITTLE bit harder about the quality of the foods you eat.
So, if the food comes from the ground originally, it is probably good for you! No, this doesn't mean go out in the garden and grab any old snail or rock and eat that.
If nature created it, it's usually great for you! Why? Because nature wants you to have a healthy strong body even when losing weight. That is why it provides you with amazing things to eat like fruits, vegetables, nuts & eat those instead, that's what they're there for.

STEP 4: No more JUNK! ("Umm, can you say that in my good ear please?")
OK. Don't shoot the messenger....but I gotta tell it like it is. Those rows of boxed, canned, and frozen foods at the grocery store are nothing more than chemical stockpiles. Your body doesn't understand what it is and stores it as FAT! 
So...stay away from them...and you know which ones Im talking about. Chips Ahoy. Pringles.  Baby Ruth. Digiorno Frozen Pizza. All your favorite friends. PLUS, watch out for the "health foods" that say things like low in sugar, heart healthy, cholesterol free or high in Fiber. That DOES NOT mean it's something 100% great for you to eat. 
Really start to read the ingredient lists! Anything with tons of strange sounding ingredients, you don't want to put in your mouth (just say no to chemicals). This is your only body, and if you truly want to lose weight fast, you need to take care of it.

Because if you don't, who will?! Wowza! That certainly was a lot of info on how to lose weight fast. But you can do it. I know you can. But even more importantly, I know YOU KNOW you can do it too!

About the Author:
Sheila Newth is an avid health nut that believes in daily exercise and eating high quality, high nutrient foods to be healthy and happy. For more info, please visit our site today!

From what you can get natural Vitamin C

First, you can get the body natural vitamin C from fruits and vegetables as the it is very contained in the following: briar fruit, red peppers, cabbage, citrus fruits all types such as lemon, orange. There is a little known plant for now it says Atserola and is very rich in natural vitamins, especially vitamin C. 

Exactly it will look in detail in this article. Atserolata is a small tree or shrub which grows in South America, its fruits are red and look like cherry. You can find it in stores as juice or as tablets or syrup in pharmacies. The adoption of Atserola helps to normalize high cholesterol, anemia, diabetes, heart problems or liver, as inflammatory and deuretichno means, but mostly as a food additive because of the content of vitamin C - which has antioxidant properties and vitain, B5, B3, magnesium, potassium and others, bodybuilders adopt it for greater elasticity and beauty of skin. This incredible product is yet gaining great popularity around the world.

Blue green algae (Spirulina maxima)

Spirulina is seaweed which is worldwide recognized as one of the most promising sources of protein among plants. Proteins that contain many essential amino acids make up more than 60 percent of the biomass of algae. Moreover, Spirulina contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides (alginic acid), vitamin complex (A, E, B1 B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, H), macro-and micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, molybdenum), ie is a valuable nutrient. In Spirulina has been found an unidentified factor called factor control of growth, which manages the processes of growth and development of the cell. Spirulina also appears to be a rich source of xanthophyll and fikotsianin who have cancer activity.

Spirulina normal protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, has antioxidant, immunomodulating, radioprotektorno, soft anorektichno action, but also has detoksikatsionni and sorption properties, reduces blood clotting, enhances the body's adaptation capabilities.

Spirulina is used to reduce overweight prevention and treatment of anemia in dietoterapiyata of diabetes, gout, cardiovascular diseases (arteriosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertension), ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, chronic liver diseases cancer in immunodeficient conditions for integrated prevention and treatment of oncological diseases, reducing the harmful impact of environmental factors, including radiation in children with allergies to cow's milk in the diet of athletes specialized in stress situations.


Source Naturals L-Glutamine Powder, 16 OunceL-glutamine is neesentsialna amino acid contained in protein, beans, meat, fish. It is an amino acid that is found in greatest quantity in the blood plasma - 30-35% and contains about 20% hydrogen in its structure, which makes the basic carrier of hydrogen to muscle cells. 
L-glutamine increased secretion of growth hormone and plays an important role in protein metabolism. When taken regularly, protects muscle from traumatic breakage and decay, but also ensure that muscle tissue will have enough for their development. Otherwise, the deficit is possible because other tissues in need of glutamine will use glutamine in the muscles. 
Studies have shown that after intense muscular effort level of glutamine in the body fell to 50 percent, so that its intake is best - take place after training. Then the amino acid contributes to:

-Restoration of muscle glycogen (taking turns easily into glucose without increasing blood sugar and insulin); 
-Increasing protein synthesis; 
-Enlargement of muscle cells; 
-Increasing levels of growth hormone; 
Daily dose of 10 grams for athletes is sufficient for optimization of muscle metabolism. It is believed that the optimal dose of glutamine is 0.2 grams per kilogram of weight (eg 80-pound person - 16 grams). Study is that doses up to 0.3 g per kg weight are harmless. Even the short reception were given by 0.5 g per kg of weight, without reported side effects for bodybuilders best option is to adopt about 30 minutes after the workout.


TwinLab Creatine Fuel Stack Performance Enhancer, Strength, Capsules, 180-Count BottleCreatine is one of the most popular and effective supplements used by bodybuilders. Used as a supplement to the diet of bodybuilder, it helps for a quick and steady progress in muscle development of training.

Creatine is an amino acid, which consists of three related amino acids - arginine, glycine and methionine. Found that 95% of total creatine in the body in the form of creatine monohydrate and creatine-phosphate, is contained in muscle tissue. The role of creatine in the body is connected with the processes of muscle contraction. Main source of energy for it is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which breaks down to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The content of ATP in muscle is small and where necessary take place in muscle endurance, it must be resintezira quickly. The conversion of ADP to ATP in the anaerobic phase is carried out with the creatine phosphate (CP).

The main function of creatine is to increase the energy reserve in muscle, leading to increased muscle strength and endurance and increase muscle mass. Creatine helps to conduct a more intensive training / do not need big breaks between series / accelerate recovery of muscle between workouts and helps prevent decay processes (catabolism) of muscle tissue. Recent studies indicate that the product accelerates the process of burning fat, while helping to build lean muscle mass. 
Best results are achieved when creatine is taken in two stages. The first is called "boot" and is recommended to anyone who takes the supplement for the first time. Is the supply in the muscles with creatine, and its duration ranged from 4 to 7 days in which to take 20-30 grams a day combined with water or fruit juice. Then begins the second stage, during which take 5 -10 grams per day to maintain muscle loaded. Alternatively acceptance of creatine, which will not boot stage, just starting with doses of 5 to 10 grams daily.

The main dietary sources of creatine are meat (especially beef) and fish (herring, salmon, tuna, etc.). One kilo of meat contains about 4 - 5 grams of creatine, but not every person can take daily, and that particular part of the day, such quantities of food to meet daily needs. It is this requires taking creatine in the form of food additive mainly by athletes engaged in power sports, and this quantity should be taken before or after training, depending on the type of sport and training phase.


L-Carnitine is a vitamin substance that is found in all tissues, highest concentrations in the skeletal and heart muscle. They are most dependent on it. As a natural constituent of cells, it plays a major role in production and transport of energy.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid that our body produces from the amino acid lysine, as this is necessary nalichieto of vitamin B6, vitamin C, niacin, iron and amino acid methionine. The main function of L-Carnitine is to transport fatty acids, long chain in the cell membrane to reach the mitochondria, which serve as "fuel" for energy needed by the body. This is necessary because fatty acids are difficult to undergo this membrane because it is impermeable. Switching is easy when the fat molecule is associated with a molecule of L-carnitine. Since the molecule of fat is burned It produces waste products, then karnitina associated with them and spent back in the cell wall of the cell. So the effects of L-carnitine is a twice - first introduced in the fat cell and subsequently bringing unnecessary items. L-Carnitine participates in oxidation of branched chain amino acids, prevents the formation of lactic acid in muscles and block the substances that deplete the cell wall. Furthermore, by increasing its supply of oxygen to the muscles and provides energy without break so valuable proteins.

L-Carnitine can be found in two types - liquid and capsules (tablets). Liquid is absorbed faster and is more suitable for reception before and during a workout, while the capsules or tablets is slower action. 
L-Carnitine is a dietary supplement is widely used in sport primarily for increasing the metabolism of fatty acids in anaerobic exercise and cardioprotective effects. For this purpose, prescribing and overweight people. Accepted 30 minutes before workout, it improves the body's resilience in protracted and heavy loads. It has been shown that the amount received L-carnitine determine the speed at which the body burns fat, thus its use before aerobic exercise (aerobics, cross, etc..) Is an excellent way to combat excess fat.

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