
Wondering why obesity is attributed to a disease, it is not just a condition in which we have a few extra pounds and want to get rid of them. The truth is actually another. More and more people suffer from it and it brings with it many other diseases. 

How to deal with it, how not to let it settle permanently in our lives and can not leave?Because the disease is very hard and you should also have hard to cope with it.The causes of obesity that, or eat too much or spend very little energy, most often a combination of both. Therefore, do not accumulate weight or to lose weight need to have the so-called negative energy balance. This can be done as we have more physical activity or by reducing food intake and also watch what we eat to be healthy. Sometimes when obesity has become chronic and any other measures do not help having surgery, but now we talk about what we personally can do to lose weight.

Physical activityMuch talk about weight loss in sports, but actually very little evidence how effective has it. According to various studies only physical activity can diminish to 5 kilograms. But this does not mean we should ignore the sport as part of the fight against obesity and should be used along with diet to take effect. The benefits of exercise are that through their increased energy expenditure, ie burning more calories, strengthens the body and help fight some diseases. No need for exercises that do have severe and prolonged. More important is that you standing in its efforts to select appropriate exercises for you. Even daily loads are useful and such simple activities as walking, climbing stairs, light loads.

DietThere are a wide variety of diets, ranging from such rapid weight loss to those that are longer, but why does it more efficient. How to find which diet to choose? The choice of diet depends on the condition of the person who will implement it. Must take into account their health, way of eating, if there are any diseases, etc.The process is more complicated than you think and should not be throwing our first fall diet. The choice of diet is a difficult moment in weight loss. 

The other is to lose weight after we are able to keep their weight. Incredibly large percentage of people who after having completed the diet again regain their weight. Then again diet and so ad infinitum. It is very important dietary change completely and continue to do so. So you should eat a balanced and keep track of your negative energy balance.

Daily exercises for weight loss

The most commonly used for exercise weight loss exercises are with our own weight, they develop all the muscle groups:

Push-ups - Do not let it go more than two days during which you have not done push-ups. They mainly strain chest muscles and triceps. But as mentioned above, and exercises its own weight strain many muscle groups.

Crunches - Every day, do crunches. You yourself know themselves and their abilities will determine how many crunches you do. Keep in mind that if you start doing 30 crunches after a week their number should be around 35 and so increase them gradually until you reach 60, the third series of 20 repetitions.

Running - If you wish to escape - Walk A lot of miles will be sure that you burn fat fast. Certainly the beginning is not necessary to make major marathons important thing is to start and gradually increase the distance. In normal running burns about 100 calories for milya.Kato home so you can start running 5 minutes walking two and then again 5 minutes running and also rotate them within 45 minutes and strive to reach 130 minutes.

Swimming - Certainly the opinion of all experts for swimming is that it is one of the best exercises for weight loss. By relaxing while swimming lose weight, develop, and tightening muscles wonderful shape to your body, without absolutely no injuries - a common obstacle for sports. Swimming with the fast pace you normally forests over 600 calories per chas.Stiga have nowhere to practice it.

Aerobics - For women wishing to lose weight is just a good opportunity this occupation. Course of aerobics can burn in each city. There, under the direction of an experienced instructor will perform different for most people, even crazy but very effective exercises to achieve your goal. Of course in aerobics is not necessarily only women, but in most cases they are interested, unlike men who focus on power and rough training course you can do aerobics at home watching TV. About 30 minutes a day is enough to make you good cheer throughout the day.

- It is also ideal for weight loss, we can say that it removes the stress of everyday stress and soothe body and soul of man. 
There are many video courses for yoga, of course you can practice and a specialist in this field, the effect will be good.

Most important is to have faith if you do at least part of all activities described guarantee you that it will achieve the desired effect, but do not overuse strain, determine your days 3-4 of the week, eg 2 days 2 sessions break. And eat less often.Good luck.

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